Project :

Declared Pest Incursion Reporting


It can be confusing for landholders to know where to report certain pests, contacting the wrong authority or organisation can result in some reports getting lost or overlooked. The PHBG are often contacted by landholders reporting declared pests outside of the scope of the PHBG which focuses on 5 declared pest species. The PHBG has no formal system for capturing declared pest reports for additional species and currently either refers the reporter onto the relevant authority or passes the information on in an informal process.

Through this project the PHBG will create a system that captures declared pest reports outside of the usual scope of works and set up a formal process for forwarding the information captured onto the relevant authorities on a regular basis.

In addition to this the PHBG will provide information on what pests to look out for and when and promote the new reporting system to encourage landholders to keep an eye out for declared pests making incursions into the PHBG operational area.


IN (i.e. what the PHBG will be doing …)

  • Promotion of reporting opportunities

  • Creating and managing a database of reports

  • Sharing reports to relevant authorities

  • Promoting new incursion information and seasonal pest activity to look out for

OUT (i.e. what the PHBG will not be doing …)

  • On ground control activities

  • In field mapping


  • Annually via PHBG annual report

  • Newsletter update (Quarterly)

  • Report to relevant authorities (Quarterly)


    • To increase awareness about pest incursions.

    • To increase landholder reports of declared pests.

    • To share pest reports to relevant authorities so they can act and effectively control new pest incursions in the PHBG operational area.


  • Quarterly report to relevant authorities if pests reported

  • New incursion information included in quarterly newsletters

  • Quarterly promotion


  • Number of reports from landholders

  • All relevant reports provided to the applicable authority each quarter

  • Two social media releases a quarter promoting what is active and where to report