Project :

Focus groups to assist the development of PHBG priorities and annual operational plan


With new reporting requirements, the PHBG is expected to consult landholders on an annual basis to set priorities and develop its operational plan. Landholder surveys have been suggested by DPIRD as a way of fulfilling this requirement. This presents a number of challenges;

  • the community has become saturated with surveys on a whole array of topics.

  • ratepayers in the PHBG were issued a detailed survey from DPIRD on declared pests and their management in 2021.

  • local surveys issued by the PHBG or its collaborators have produced a disappointing response rate on topics ranging from cotton bush, rabbits and fruit fly control.

  • regional surveys on pest concerns and priorities have also required a substantial effort with a low response rate.

  • the level of detail required in an operational plan does not lend itself well to a survey format.

Despite the challenge of administering a survey, the PHBG is committed to engaging with landholders. It understands that the best way to achieve broad engagement across the entire operational area is to activate multiple communication channels (e.g. social media, print media, radio) and provide opportunities for landholders to reach out to the PHBG (e.g. attendance at community events, information sessions, roadshows, open office days).

To achieve meaningful engagement and feedback on pest priorities and plans, there needs to be a deeper level of interaction between the PHBG and its stakeholders. The PHBG’s governance structure facilitates this interaction with its management committee being comprised of landholders and a LGA nominee from each of the five LGA areas. Through this project, the PHBG will go a step further and recruit additional landholders from each LGA to participate in a series of focus group sessions where topics, programs, projects and trade offs will be explored in greater detail.


IN (i.e. what the PHBG will be doing …)

  • Within op area

  • Five focus group sessions across op area

  • Recruited landholders (blind selection)

  • Monetary incentives for participation in focus groups

OUT (i.e. what the PHBG will not be doing …)

  • Outside op area

  • Monetary incentives for non-participants


  • Annually via PHBG annual report

  • Update report to DPIRD


    • To elicit landholder feedback in a format that offers a constructive guide for setting strategic priorities.

    • To elicit landholder feedback in a format that offers a constructive guide for the development of the PHBG annual operational plan.


  • February - Develop focus group prompts

  • June - Run sessions

  • Annually - Five focus group sessions, one per LGA


  • Attendance of recruited