Project :

Landholder alerts for priority declared weeds across the PHBG operational area


Many landholders are doing the right thing with weed control. There are some infestations that cause community concern and frustration. In some cases, landholders don’t know that they have declared weeds on their property or understand their legal responsibilities to control. In other cases, becoming aware of the negative impact on neighbours, and how to go about control can provide a landholder with an incentive to take action.

The PHBG provides the means for direct communication between landholders, where one reports an infestation and the PHBG provides a letter and control advice to the landholder with the infestation. By validating the report in the field the PHBG has a record of the infestation which can be monitored over time, and the information can be provided to DPIRD to inform any compliance program. If a lack of education and knowledge is stopping people from taking action this should lead to an increase in control being undertaken.


IN (i.e. what the PHBG will be doing …)

  • Within op area

  • Declared priority weeds - list

  • Validate and collate reports submitted directly to the PHBG via the hotspot reporting form

  • Validate where safe and viewable from public access areas or where invited onto a property

  • Letters sent where address details are available and correct

OUT (i.e. what the PHBG will not be doing …)

  • Outside op area

  • Undeclared weeds

  • Control of the infestation by the PHBG (responsibility for control still lies with the landholder)

  • Legal action for non-compliance by the PHBG


  • Annually via PHBG annual report.

  • Quarterly updates of number of letters sent in the PHBG newsletter and provided to LGA’s.


    • To provide accurate weed location information and best practice control advice to landholders.

    • To provide a confidential means for a landholder to alert a neighbour of an infestation on their property.

    • To establish a longitudinal data recording system of community reports to increase understanding of long-standing infestations.


  • Letters are cleared before the quarterly newsletter is issued.


  • Number of letters with 25 letters per quarter minimum.