Project :



The use of 1080 continues to be the most effective control techniques for feral animals. The use of the product has gone through a shift in social license and there's now considerable angst in some areas of the community over its use.

1080 is a bait product only available to landholders over 25 acres in size or for smaller landholders that combine properties to reach the minimum size creating a coordinated baiting program alongside the PHBG.

Through the RPP provision project the PHBG will promote the safe use of 1080 products in the control of feral animals to landholders within the PHBG operational area. The group will clarify and advertise the application process, provide one on one support to landholders applying for the chemical, provide correctly filled in application forms to DPIRD, subsidise the application fee from DPIRD and reimburse landholders for their 1080 purchases.


IN (i.e. what the PHBG will be doing …)

  • Promotion of the safe use of 1080 products and how landholders can apply to use them

  • Provide information on the application process to interested individuals

  • Provide one on one support to meet the application requirements

  • Produce the application package to give to DPIRD

  • Cover the cost of the application fee

  • Reimburse 1080 purchases for active permits within the PHBG operational area

  • Information resources

OUT (i.e. what the PHBG will not be doing …)

  • Bypass the online training required for each application (landholder to finish)

  • On ground control activities

  • Purchasing or transporting 1080 products by the PHBG


  • Media release following workshops

  • Report in the annual report


    • Increase the number of landholders applying for an RPP

    • Promote good news stories from landholders using the control products

    • Increase awareness about the need for increased effective feral animal control products such as 1080


  • Spring & Autumn - Social media campaigns

  • December 16th - Data available for annual report


  • Six social media posts during peak feral fox activity times of Autumn and Spring to promote the availability of 1080 as a control method.

  • Number of landholders applying for a RPP

  • Media release aimed at Spring lambing produced before end of August

  • New information flyer developed by April 2022