You had your say on what feral animals should be on our radar. This list can change over time, and will be guided by community input. 

Our Priority Pests

Foxes were introduced into Australia in the 1850s for recreational hunting and are now found in high densities across mainland Australia.

Foxes prey on poultry and young livestock, they also help transmit diseases such as distemper, parvo virus and mange. 

Foxes are a pest across both rural and urban environments. 

It is more effective to have multiple properties initiating control at one time than ad hoc control by individuals across the year.

Fox control is most effective in late winter and early spring when foxes are breeding and food demand is high.

Fox control options include: 

"European rabbits are Australia’s most widespread and destructive environmental and agricultural vertebrate pest" 


The grazing effect of rabbits can prevent native seedlings from regenerating, reduce crop yields, compete with livestock for pasture as well as directly competing with native animals for food and shelter. Slope instability and soil erosion is an impact of grazing and digging by rabbits. 

It only takes one rabbit in a hectare to prevent native seedling regeneration.

Rabbit control options include: 

Feral pigs are becoming more numerous across bushland, agricultural, and semirural areas.

Feral pigs prey on newborn lambs, damage crops, soil, fences and water courses, and competing with stock for feed by damaging or eating pasture.

Pigs are a threat to livestock as a reservoir for disease including foot and mouth should it become established in Australia.

Pigs are often introduced to an area to provide hunting for sport.

Pig control options:

Feral Deer

Deer were introduced from Europe as game animals the 19th century. 

Feral deer have spread across many areas of Australia and are increasing in number in the Peel Harvey area.

Deer cause multiple environmental issues including damage to native vegetation by grazing, rubbing and trampling,  Deer compete with native animals for food and are a vector for diseases risking both native and agricultural systems. A hoofed animal feral deer cause erosion and degrade the quality of water in river and creek systems.

Past control has centred on exclusion fencing and shooting  but as deer numbers rise other control options may need to be investigated

Rainbow Lorikeets

The Rainbow Lorikeet is a declared pest in all areas of WA south of the Kimberley Including the Perth Metropolitan area.

These pest birds cause a variety of issues including damaging backyard fruit crops, competition with native birds for food and nesting sites, damage to commercial fruit crops especially wine and table grapes, carriers of bird diseases posing a threat to both wild and pet birds species. 

Rainbow lorikeets outside of the Perth metro area can be reported to the Pest and Diseases Information Service (PaDIS) for control by the Department. Reports should include if possible GPS coordinates of the sighting, normal routines of the flock, characteristics of the flock and a picture for identification.


Feral cats, defined as cats that are living and reproducing in the wild, are a declared species under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act). 

Although the same species as domestic cats, feral cats are not domesticated or socialised. They survive on minimal fresh water and consume a wide range of prey, including small mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish. 

Due to these factors, feral cats are classified as an extreme threat—the most dangerous category. 

Managing feral cats in Western Australia is a collaborative effort involving various government and non-government organisations. 

According to DPIRD’s Feral Cat Policy, cats found on rural properties are not considered feral. This means that PHBG cannot provide landholders with resources to assist with the management and control of cats within our operational area. Landholders can contact their local rangers for traps and management advice.

The PHBG offer a range of services for people living and working in the region including the hire of pest control equipment and contractor lists.