foxes & cape tulip
foxes & cape tulip
Waroona-based beef and sheep farmer Anthony Snell describes how he's used PHBG resources to trial pest control equipment before committing to purchase.
toxic weeds
toxic weeds
Hobby farmer Alan describes how he's used the weed wiper to significantly reduce weeds in his pasture, including Guildford grass and the poisonous
Cape tulip and Arum lily.
cotton bush & rabbits
cotton bush & rabbits
New landowner Misha tells us how she and her husband used PHBG resources to prepare pasture paddocks for her pet sheep and Highland cows.
rabbits & cape tulip
rabbits & cape tulip
Cattle farmers Dierdre and Andrew chat about how they've used the weed wiper to rein in toxic Cape tulip and Calicivirus to control rabbits.