Cross-tenure Invasive Species Program (Crisp)
CrISP’s role is to showcase the benefits of cross-tenure coordination in declared pest management. In other words, how landholders and land managers working together can reduce the impact of invasive species and protect the agricultural and natural environments of the Peel Harvey region.
Program activities include identifying declared pest hotspots on public land and controlling their effects using integrated pest management (IPM) techniques. Landholders can report infestations of feral animals or declared weeds to the CrISP program if they are causing environmental damage and affecting private landholders.
Why was it created?
PHBG received feedback from the local community, which requested assistance in reducing the effects of declared pests across property boundaries from publicly managed land. The project launched in 2024 and is funded until 2027 through the WA State Government’s Declared Pest Account (DPA).
How does it work?
Using reports from the general public, private landholders, and local government staff, PHBG’s CrISP Manager identifies problem areas and develops an Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM). The CrISP Manager arranges contractors for control work, monitors the plan’s progress and success, and arranges follow-up work if necessary.
What are the benefits?
CrISP is a start-to-end program that bridges the traditional silos of private and public land. CrISP initiates the project and ensures that follow-up control is completed. It also maintains a continuous line of two-way communication between state and local governments, private landholders, and other members of the public regarding biosecurity management. Landholders can influence pest control across property boundaries, leading to improved outcomes on privately owned land. All of this results in more effective, longer-term pest control measures.
How do I report to CrISP?
Fill out this online form (click to open in another window), OR
Send an email with location details and photos to
If you’re not sure what you’ve seen or who owns the land, you can always report pests directly to DPIRD via the MyPestGuide Reporter app. You can also call the DPIRD Pest and Disease Information Service on 9368 3080.
Are you a community group?
PHBG is inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from community organisations and groups interested in applying for pest management works on public areas they help to look after.
The aim of this CrISP initiative is to support local communities in managing pest populations and promote environmental protection within the areas they care.
Please make sure you read the guidelines before you fill out the EoI form.