2019 AGM WRAP up
The Peel Harvey Biosecurity Group (PHBG) hosted their annual general meeting at the Coolup Community Hall on Wednesday the 27th of February, 2019.
The hot night didn’t stop the many attendees enjoying presentations along with the irresistible catering provided by the Coolup Country Women's Association.
The night kicked off with an awards ceremony with PHBG Chairman, Vaughn Byrd presenting a certificate of contribution to Mike Burkett for generously providing his knowledge and expertise on feral pig control.
If you have visited a PHBG stall at your local Ag Show or community event you may have picked up and admired the cotton bush resin blocks which show the structure of cotton bush seeds as they leave the pods. Wayne Herren was provided with a certificate of contribution for his hard work, tenacity and expertise on this innovation project (completed in partnership with the Serpentine Jarrahdale Men’s Shed).
Chairman Vaughn Byrd presented the Shire of Murray Executive Manager Brett Flugge and Councillor Ange Rogers with a certificate of contribution for demonstrating best-practice techniques for controlling rabbits at George Brook Reserve.
The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale was presented with a certificate acknowledging the contribution from the Shire in the early stages of the Group's development.
Officers from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development were on hand to answer questions from the community on the recent pest rate notices. Just prior to the AGM the Group was told that almost 70% of the pest rate notices had been paid as of December the 31st, 2018. Encouraging news which was able to be shared at the meeting. The pest rate is matched dollar for dollar by the State government and will fund the PHBG activities going forward.
The AGM was concluded with a presentation on the focus and direction of the group in 2019 which included information on upcoming fox control workshops, 1080 permit subsidies, fruit fly trap offers, training opportunities, weed identification and control advice, as well as the annual rabbit control program. Community members are encouraged to email the Group if they are interested in attending or being involved in the activities and initiatives planned during 2019 by emailing comms.phbg@gmail.com.
PHBG Chairman Vaughn Byrd presented Mike Burkett with a certificate of contribution
Wayne Herren presented with a certificate of contribution from the PHBG
Shire of Murray representatives received a certificate of contribution
The Shire of SJ presented with a certificate of acknowledgement