
The PHBG is very proud to release its Blueprint. 

It has a seven year time-frame and outlines the key outcomes we expect to achieve over this period. 

PHBG BluePrint

The PHBG Blueprint was prepared in-house, from planning to publication. A big achievement for a small organisation. 

The planning process was guided by CSIRO’s ‘pathways to impact’ framework. This allowed the PHBG to plan out a set of activities that will make a significant impact.  The PHBG will now move forward in a logical and strategic manner, rather than operating reactively. 

The PHBG encourages all stakeholders, including our valued landholders, to become familiar with the Blueprint. The PHBG is open to updating the document to (i) absorb constructive feedback, (ii) capture a wider set of values and priorities, and (iii) increase local ownership. 

PHBG Blueprint_2020 FINAL.pdf

2024/25 Operational Plan

The PHBG OPERATION PLAN 2024/25 applies to activities funded through the Declared Pest Account. 

The PHBG largely runs its projects and activities on a seasonal calendar to align with physiological, ecological and social parameters. 

Feedback is a welcome to

FINAL 2021 PHBG Annual Report (Reduced).pdf

2021 Annual Report 

The PHBG are proud to be able to present the PHBG Annual Report for 2021. Take a read to see what the group was able to deliver even amongst COVID challenges.

PHBG Annual Report 2022 FINAL_Compressed.pdf

2022 Annual Report

The PHBG is proud to present the 2022 annual report.  The PHBG are keen to take on feedback from landholders about where they would like to see biosecurity services developed into the future. Read on to see what services were delivered in 2022 and let us know where you would like to see our efforts focused moving forward. 

FINAL 2023 6 Month PHBG AR.pdf

2023 6 month report

Welcome to this brief report on the first six months of 2023. At the Peel Harvey Biosecurity Group’s (PHBG) annual general meeting in 2022 a special resolution was passed to change the PHBG’s financial reporting period from the calendar year to the financial year, commencing 1 July 2023.

This has been a smooth transition and as you will see from the audited financial statements the organisation is in a sound financial position for the 2023/2024 financial year. 

Previous Annual reports 

PHBG Annual Report 2017 (3).pdf



FINAL PHBG 2020 Annual report.pdf


FINAL 2020 PHBG Annual Report.pdf

