City of Mandurah upskills teams
on creeper control
In response to community reports of the declared weed bridal creeper the City of Mandurah partnered up with the Peel Harvey and Leschenault Biosecurity Group's to host a workshop on effective control methods.
Leschenault Biosecurity Group project officer Julie Chapman shared her experience with collecting and distributing bridal creeper rust in the Leschenault area. The rust is a biological control that landholders can utilise to control the spread of bridal creeper.
Attendees were made up of the City of Mandurah staff in the natural areas bushcrew and city park teams, local NRM professionals and PHBG officers.
‘I didn’t realise how easy it was to collect and redistribute the rust. Now the PHBG has another tool we can provide to our landholders to support them in their control of declared pests,’ said Peel Harvey Biosecurity Group weed education officer Teele Hooper-Worrell.