Weed ID and Advice Workshop proves popular
So popular was the Weed ID and Advice Workshop, two sessions were run instead of just the one that had been originally planned.
Over 70 people attended across the two sessions, with a total of 150 weed samples brought in to identify and discuss.
The PHBG welcomed back weed experts Greg Keighery, Order of Australia recipient, and Principal Ecologist Andrew Mitchell to host the workshops.
The workshop was informative and interactive with many attendees providing feedback that the workshops increased their knowledge of weed identification and control.
Attendee, Ms Mcarthur wrote after the workshop, ‘Thank you so much for organising it, such knowledgeable presenters - so much to learn!’
Another attendee wrote, ‘Very informative and such a mountain of knowledge. Many thanks to all involved’.
A large number of Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale grounds crew attended and the officers had many questions about the plants they come across in their day to day work.
All attendees received the perfect companion to weed ID and control in the form of the Southern Weeds and their Control booklet. Correct identification of weeds is the first step in effective control. The take home resource provided at the workshop described both physical and chemical control options.
Many common weeds made an appearance on the day with lots of different samples from the oxalis, erodium and sow thistle groups. There were also many unfamiliar samples, like the asparagus sample that was declared and highly invasive, black flags with their tiny corms ready to spread and the growing threat from Euphorbia which is starting to become more common on roadsides but can cause serious allergic reactions. There was even a plant that the experts could identify and it was taken home for further study.
‘The first step in weed control is correct identification - knowing which weed you’re dealing with helps direct control to the most effective method. At our workshop over 80% of attendees said they would be more confident identifying weeds going forward,’ said weed education officer, Teele Hooper-Worrell.
‘The intention of hosting our workshops is to upskill our community in weed identification, leading to more successful weed control. It’s a great feeling seeing how popular and successful the workshop was and the PHBG look forward to hosting more workshops like this one in 2021,’ said Ms Hooper-Worrell.
Landholders who want to be kept up to date with upcoming events are encouraged to follow the PHBG Facebook Page or sign up to the PHBG quarterly e-newsletter by emailing media@phbg.org.