Reporting Pests
Peel harvey BIOSECURITY group
The PHBG aims to follow up local weed reports by validating the report and initiating communication with the landholder.
The group can provide information, support and equipment hire to assist landholders to remove declared pests on their properties.
To enable the PHBG to validate reports please provide accurate location and/or address details as well as information on the size and characteristics of the infestation.
All reports are confidential.
Weed Education Officer
Phone: 0474 242 223
The Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS) provides a frontline contact for any Western Australian wanting to report unfamiliar pests, weeds and diseases.
If you are reporting a familiar weed or feral animal, please ask PaDIS staff to share your report with the Peel Harvey Biosecurity Group.
Phone: (08) 9368 3080
Feral Scan
Help map feral animal sightings and damage in your local area.
Launched in 2009, FeralScan now hosting over 130,000 community records across Australia.
If you need help setting up or using FeralScan, the Peel Harvey Biosecurity Group are available to guide you through the steps.

What if my Weed Report is on public land?
The PHBG have developed a program that reduces the impact from declared pests on landholders from publicly managed land.
Our Program Manager, Megan LeRoy, has been undertaking site visits to identify problematic feral animals and weeds on publicly managed land.
These activities form part of the new Cross tenure Invasive Species Program (CrISP) which seeks to value add to the control of declared pests on publicly managed land in order to reduce the negative impacts felt by landholders.
The three year project will identify hotspots where declared pests are impacting local landholders on public land and fund control.
Megan is keen to connect with land managers across the Peel Harvey to map hot spot areas that could become part of the CrISP Program.
For more information about the project you can email Megan at
You can report areas by filling out our short survey below: